by Edward Medina
old woman sits quietly in a chair. Her chair is one of many in a circle. She
sits amongst a group of fellow addicts that are in need of confession. Admissions
and revelations begin spewing forth until she decides it’s her turn. She then
tells the story of a date she had when she was a young woman. Her date had her
meet him in New York’s Times Square. He began by touring her about the then
seedy stretch of strip joints and porn theatres. She’s slightly offended but
can’t help to be a bit turned on. The young man convinces her to step inside
one of those porn theaters to experience her first pornographic film. Lo and
behold the man she’s with is starring in the film. Afterwards they sleep
together, fall in love, and then she decides to move in with him.
an intriguing story. What makes it intriguing isn’t the content of the story.
It’s that one is wondering throughout the lurid revelation whether the old
woman is telling the truth or whether she’s one of the many actors sitting in a
circle at the Guggenheim Museum’s restaurant The Wright. They’re all playing a
part in an experimental immersive theatrical production produced by Works &
Process at the Guggenheim. Prurience is an almost two-hour long group
therapy session for porn addicts and you’re invited along for the fun. That is
if paying good hard-earned money to sit through an almost two-hour long group
therapy session for porn addicts is your idea of fun.
Prurience Method is a supposed modern-day bastardized self-help Masters and
Johnson for porno addicts. They hold regular weekly meetings were everyone
grabs a chair, sits in a circle, and shares. The annoying, pony tailed, logo
baseball cap wearing host, who feigns being late like he always is, makes his
introduction and lays out the rules. Have some tea and cookies. Sing the
indoctrination song. Lots of greet your neighbor and acknowledge each other’s
presence. Collaborate with others in the word play games. Put post it notes
with helpful thoughts on the feedback tree. Confess your addiction but don’t
demand results. Watch the video tape of founder and former porn star, producer,
and director Amelia Atkins.
is all geared to unlocking your memories, desires, and need to reveal your
overt love of porn. This is all meant to be both satire and drama and Prurience
is not always successful at either. Created and written by British performance
artist, and the evening’s host, Christopher Green, and directed along with his
co-director Holly Race Roughan, Prurience presents an evening of both
performers and perhaps audience members revealing their intimate sexual
secrets. Some actors are better at this than others. Some audience members are
actors that are not. Without a program there’s no way of knowing who the
players are as story after story are told. At the end of the performance piece
nine actors behave as if they’re the phonies but this may be an illusion as
well because it felt like more actors were involved in attempting the illusion.
have an inherent psychological need to follow and the creators take advantage
of that but the problem with Prurience is that it cannot just be
experienced. Prurience insists that you believe. Prurience insists
that you participate. Oddly enough there’s no room for the voyeur here because
once you just observe you can clearly see the cracks in the flimsy façade. The
structure and illusion doesn't always hold. It's not that the subject matter is
uncomfortable. It's that the presentation of it is awkward and annoying in its
lack of truth. The sad punch line is that no one gets any help. In that way
there is no drama. Only emotional presentation. There are confessions but no
a bad overlong sketch with no ending in sight the session quickly devolves into
an overlong, overlapping, extremely grating shouting match which we’re supposed
to believe causes an abrupt end to the fake festivities. This then requires an
actual intervention. Even that doesn’t play well. What happens next to wrap up
this circle jerk is so absurd that its best left to those who are willing to
endure the Prurience method and experience the closing disco lit musical
number. Suffice it to say the actual method here is in and of itself a confused
attempt to entertain but ultimately proves flaccid.
Wright Restaurant
Fifth Avenue
York, NY 10128
21 – 31, 2018